It may be true that you shouldn’t go to the grocery store hungry – perhaps looking at still life art by some incredible artists should have the same rule. Consider yourself warned!
Here are just a few of the examples of still life art available at Camden Art Shoppes. Come visit us at 1011 Broad Street, Camden, SC and consider one for a gift this holiday season.
Food in a basket lasts a day or two, but food on a canvas creates forever memories of your joyful gathering!
Artist Judy Watts

About Judy
Judy Watts an award-winning photographer who uses her camera to capture scenes and people she can then translate into oil on canvas paintings.
While oil is her preferred art medium, she also enjoys pen and ink, pencil and pastel work. While art has been a lifelong creative outlet, Judy’s career was primarily in newspapers which began when she was a 13-year-old student in Camden, S.C. She continued her passion for journalism through high school, college and into professional journalism. She has worked at The State Newspaper, The Post and Courier where she was Features Editor and as Executive Editor of The Summerville Journal Scene, The Berkeley Independent and The Goose Creek Gazette. She also served as the Associate Editor of NOLO (North in the Lowcountry) a magazine featuring parts of the greater Charleston, S.C. area.
Her work can be seen at Camden Art Shoppes, 1011 Galleria, Broad Street, Camden SC

Artist Janet Brown

Artist Lainie McWilliams

About Lainie
Love for drawing, painting and creating has been an interest for as long as I can remember. About 10 years ago my husband made that a reality by setting up lessons for me and buying all the best supplies to get started. I loved it and went on to take classes from several area artists: Stephen Whetstone, Mark Conrady, Esther Melton and Roy Paschal.
I believe the passion to paint was ignited by the God of Creation so that I could worship Him through art and be able to convey, in some small way a reflection of His creativity through me.
Some say watercolor is a difficult and unforgiving genre of painting. I will not argue with the difficult part but have found it more forgiving than most people think. Anyway, it is always interesting to take what accidents occur and make them into a creative part of the work! It will take a lifetime of painting and still I will not be able to master it. What an adventure!
I entered the CCAL Juried Art Show for the last couple of years and won a “Merit Award” for the 2022 show in the amateur division for my watercolor painting, “Les Chat Gris”. I have also won a “Best in Show” ribbon for my entry, “Mon Amie” into the Tap Gallery. It was a painting of my granddaughter, Amelie and one of her beloved chickens.

Join Camden as they celebrate Christmas Wonderland downtown on December 3rd. Stroll through the many activities and stop by the Camden Art Shoppes to hang a star on our wishing tree and if you can, participate in one of our free classes that day. Learn for free, but you can also make your own for only $5.00 – the cost of the supplies!
Make and Take Classes
11:00 am – Noon : Woodburning Ornaments with Forrest
12:00 pm – 2:00 pm : Watercolor Cards with Alice
2:00 pm – 3:00 pm : Bow making with Judy
3:00 pm – 4:00 pm : Gnome Ornaments with Evie
If you don’t have time to hang out with us, consider another option –
Take and Make Kits by Pam Padgett
Browse through the available art kits and find the perfect gift for the artist in your life — or treat yourself. Let’s face it. Art is fun, no matter your age or skill level, and these kits make creating super easy!
Gift Certificates
Overwhelmed by all the choices? We get it. With so many fabulous things to choose from and talented artists showcasing their work, it can be tough to pick a favorite. Never fear! Camden Art Shoppes Gift Certificates are here! An easy, stress-free gift that supports local artists. What could be better than that?
Stop by and get your Camden Art Shoppes Gift Certificate today.
Come see us soon! We are currently open Tuesday through Saturday.
Tuesday : 11:00 am – 5:00 pm
Wednesday : 11:00 am – 5:00 pm
Thursday : 11:00 am – 7:00 pm
Friday : 11:00 am – 7:00 pm
Saturday : 11:00 am – 5:00 pm
1011 Broad Street, Camden, SC – The Galleria Building, Three Suites on the First Floor
Follow the river on the floor. We are at both the beginning and the end!