Camden Art Shoppes
1011 Broad Street, Camden, SC
Camden Art Shoppes
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Wildlife Art Show November 14-January 31

Camden Art Shoppes 1011 Broad Street, Camden

Come see our new wildlife Art show.  It showing November 14 to December 31  at 1011 Galleria 1st floor across from Salud’s kitchen.  Browse the art and enjoy Saluds cocktails...

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Canceled Paint Just Like Bob Ross with Sharon 1/21

Camden Art Shoppes 1011 Broad Street, Camden

Paint Just Like Bob Ross in One Day is taught by a certified Bob Ross instructor Sharon Funderburk who is also an artist at Camden Art Shoppes.  Register to save...

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Love is in the Air Art Show Jan 21- Feb 24

Painted River Walkway 1011 Galleria 1011 Broad Street, Camden

Love is in the Air on the painted river walk at 1011 Galleria.  Browse the art that moves your art!  You might find the perfect gift for your valentine! Free...