You don’t have to be a professional artist to enjoy the benefits of creating art. Today we encourage you to paint, sketch, color, work with clay, fingerpaint – anything that gets your mind off of your troubles and focused on the act of creation. Many of the artists at Camden Art Shoppes began their art careers using this very idea, creating as a means to leave their worries or physical challenges behind. And they aren’t the only ones who recognize art as therapy.
Sage Neuroscience Center says:
One of the most significant aspects of art therapy is the ability to help the client relax. You do not have to be an artist to do this, so many people feel comforted that there is no pressure on their creative flow. Art therapy allows the client to get their mind off whatever may be bothering them, even if it’s just for a brief period. Creating art helps many people slow down, allowing them to relax, de-stress, and tap into their creativity.
From PyschReg:
Creating art is a great way to take your mind off the stressors in your life. When you create, you engage a different part of your brain, and you can get caught up in what you are creating. Even if you spend 45 minutes on art, it will clear your head and allow you to approach problems from a fresher perspective. Art can be similar to meditation. agrees:
Studies show that art therapy, coloring mandalas, and drawing in general can minimize anxiety and combat negative mood. Most of the studies have people drawing or coloring for about 20 minutes, so it’s really not necessary to be a gifted or serious artist for this stress reliever to be helpful; no artistic ability is required, in fact!

Not sure where to start? You don’t have to do it alone. Come down to Camden Art Shoppes and we’ll get you set up. You can grab some of our Color-Me-Zen cards and use a community table space to color your stress away. Want to get even more involved? Sign up for our fun workshops and classes. Regardless of where or how – put on your creative hat and let the rest of the world fade away for a few minutes today. Maybe even color outside the lines just because you can.
Slow down.
You deserve it.